Archive for May, 2008

Indiana Primaries

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Today I voted in a primary election for the first time. In the almost thirty years that I have been eligible to vote, this is the first time (that I can remember) that both presidential nominees have not been selected before Indiana holds it’s primaries.

Indiana has an open primary, so I chose to vote for Democrats, and I voted for Barack Obama as the presidential nominee. It’s hard to distinguish between Obama and Clinton as far as the issues are concerned, so it comes down to who would be the most effective leader. Obama strikes me as a man of integrity, and I think he can be most effective in pulling this country together and bringing about real change.

I am voting today for the choice I want to have in November – Obama or McCain. Depending on the issue, I resonate strongly with both of these candidates. Fortunately, I have a few months to sort this out.